
Popes and Patriarchs: An Orthodox Perspective on Roman Catholic Claims is unavailable, but you can change that!

Popes and Patriarchs presents the Orthodox position on the role of the papacy in an intelligent, easy-to-understand style that will appeal to laypeople, priests, seminary students, and discussion groups. For any dialogue between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches to be fruitful, we must first understand our differences. Popes and Patriarchs covers some of the distinctions in theology and...

revealed God’s righteousness; St. Paul was therefore addressing their concerns about God’s justice and their duties towards Him. St. Paul’s doctrine of justification as found in Romans did not become a dominant theme in the Eastern Church, which maintained a balance between St. Paul and the mysticism of the Gospel of St. John—hence, “There is little emphasis upon justification.”33 It was St. Augustine who took Paul’s doctrine of justification and created and defined a legal relationship between God
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